Thursday, July 12, 2007

What is more American than Dum Dum Pops? Made not too far away in Bryan, Ohio by the Spangler Candy Company, these small but sweet treats are indeed a part of Americana.
I thought of Dum Dums this morning when I passed a tanker truck that was covered in all sorts of Dum Dum graphics. I suspect the truck was full of sugary syrupy goodness.
Unfortunately, Dum Dums are a bit on the small side. One of our local restaurants has them out as a treat for the kids who go there. I usually sneak one, too, though.
When I was growing up, doctors' offices used to give away Dum Dums. Somewhere along the line, though, they must have figured out that perhaps that was sending the wrong message to kids. Go figure.
I wonder where that tanker truck was headed this morning, full of liquid Americana.
Actuially, it may have been headed as far away as Mexico where a lot of the Dum Dum manufacturing occurs.
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